Demodectic Mange…2nd negative test!!

Yes…My name is Sprocket and I was a mangey dog.

I came from stress filled beginnings, had a weak immune system and the little mites took over. Read more here about it – Wikipedia…

When I came to live with my two-leggers, my coat looked like this:



You can see the skin through the hair and it was dull, and almost so rough feeling the rescue folks thought I was mixed with another breed…and Ottawa, in November/December – BRRR…

But now… I just got home from an exciting walk to the vet – so many people – so much wind in my ears, and so much to try to sniff!!!  And the vet, Dr. Sylvester, is fabulous – I just have to jump all over her when I see her!

Anyhoo – skin scrapings hurt a bit, but I know they need to be done.  And then Mom holds me for a while – pros are cuddles and hugs; cons are suddenly not being able to scramble all over everyone who walks by and I can’t sniff the cats-in-a-box that were there today!

After an interminable wait – at least 10 human minutes, maybe more like 20 – it felt like forever! – the doc came out and told Mom that 4 out of 5 slides were negative and that she had to move on to another patient for now.  But that’s really good news as the last test was negative. 2 negatives = POSITIVE!!

So, just for reference, my coat now looks like:20130210-084106.jpg

This means, that while there are still a few thin spots, and the places where they scrape are taking a while to fill in, I am SUPERSILKY and UBER PET-ABLE now.  Not that I wasn’t before, but it’s even more AWESOME now…

So another month of Bacomedicine { Dad wraps my syringe in yummy beggin’ strips} just to be sure, and as long as my life keeps sailing along with me being spoiled and not stressed out, those little mites won’t stand a chance~!