Sleeping in later every day- thanks noisy neighbours!

Yesterday was great! Mom and dad started moving around quickly and taking things in and out of bags so I got really excited! When the connector cord when on, I nearly bonked both if them in the head!

We started out on another adventure that took us to a new place- oh the SMELZ!!!

Then mom and dad starting hitting each other. I was up front and occasionally I was also getting tapped on my back/ hind region. Then we abruptly turned around send headed home. Mom and dad were really irritated and kept repeating, “it’s August! What’s with these Mosquitos!?!”

Then back at home, we all got into our yellow wraps and went to the big green floaty thing. That was fun too.

Mom took some pics but not with her phone- so she’ll upload them later- just know that I look AWESOME!

After that we came home for cuddle time and I spent time in dads hammock.

More walks were enjoyed and I found the best sticks up here!!


And the firey ball in the sky was very orange last night

Even dad took some great pics down by the water!




Oh and then the noisy neighbours kept dropping things until super late! Going to bark at their tent now:->